Nvq3 Health and Social

Unit 2 Jemma Preston

2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided.
Reflective practice is imperative in order to ensure that high standards are kept continuously as circumstances, service users and environments change. In order to reflect one must continuously be aware of approaches used and how they can be changed or developed to improve. Continually improving and adapting approaches benefits both service users and practitioners, ensuring that each individual adults needs are catered for. Reflective practice involves evolving in a personal centred approach. The carer benefits as his/her skills grow and develop, enabling the highest standards of care and provision. It also promotes a better level of understanding and acceptance of those different from us, taking on board the opinions, cultures and attitudes of others to ensure a diverse and positively productive daily experience that enables higher levels of understanding from all. It also fosters personal and team development because a reflective practice evolves our experiences thus enabling higher standards of learning experiences. Experience can only be beneficial when it is either a positive experience (good practice), or a negative experience that is reflected upon and consequently changed and improved.

Unit 5 Jemma Preston

      1.1 Define the following types of abuse:
– physical abuse

Physical abuse involving contact planned to cause bodily harm, feelings of intimidation, other physical suffering or injury.

– sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another.

– emotional/psychological abuse

Emotional/psychological abuse may involve threats or actions to cause mental or physical harm; humiliation; violation.

– financial abuse

Financial abuse is the illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s money, property, pension book or other valuables.

– institutional abuse...