Nvq 2

Understand and enable interaction and communication with individuals with dementia.

  1. Describe how memory impairment can affect the ability of an individual with dementia to use verbal language.

Words are hard to come by and they can struggle over the appropriate word to the point that it interrupts their flow of conversation, sometimes they will select the wrong word. This is very frustrating but in some forms of dementia it can also mean they lose short term memory and will repeat themselves, not remembering that they have told you about their day or not remembering your answers eg asking over and over is it Thursday today? This makes conversation stilted and difficult to maintain. Then of course there is the problem of remembering people’s names which can become so dominating that the affected person does not listen to the others in the conversation whilst they struggle to remember the elusive name. As their vocabulary decreases they may feel embarrassed socially and withdraw from social occasions.

  2. List different techniques that can be used to facilitate positive interaction with an individual with dementia.

  1. Have a positive interactive environment.
 A positive mood, tone of voice, and body language will go a long way to providing a better opportunity to positively interact with someone with dementia. Showing affection is also a good way of creating a positive atmosphere. The person with dementia might not know who you are, but they may know that they know you or that you are not a threat to them.

  2. Make sure you have the attention of the person with dementia. 
Remind the person with dementia who you are and anything else that may help them focus on what you have to discuss with them. If they still do not know who you are, don’t focus on that. Also, if they are sitting, sit with them. If they are standing, stand with them. Look them in the eye. Avoid any even seemingly threating interaction.

  3. Be clear. 
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