Nvq 2 Health & Social Care

21 The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control

1. Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)
1. 
2. 

3. 
4. 
5. 
6. 
1.2 Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

2.1 Outline current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and control of infection (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

2.2 Describe local and organisational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

3.1 Describe procedures and systems relevant to the prevention and control of infection (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

3.2 Explain the potential impact of an outbreak of infection on the individual and the organisation (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

4.1 Define the term ‘risk’ (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

4.2 Outline potential risks of infection within the workplace (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

4.3 Describe the process of carrying out a risk assessment (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

4.4 Explain the importance of carrying out a risk assessment (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

5.1 Demonstrate correct use of PPE (Planned: 0 , Completed:0)

5.2 Describe different types of PPE...