Nursing Administration

Analysis of the Skills and Qualities of the Administrator with Personal Insights
The three years of working with the Program Development Manager make it easier for me to process the skills and qualities of a respectable administrator coupled by the granted opportunity to have her interviewed by myself. Her thoughts are priceless as they are encouraging and moving. No wonder I am set to interview two more nursing administrators on the coming weeks in order to get their thoughts on matters related to the ones I discussed below.
There is no question that an effective administrator should be motivated to do the daring tasks she faces every working day, every hour and minute. Having observed and interviewed a person who selflessly works hard, being almost always the last person to leave the office way beyond the working hours, should strengthen my concept that motivation reflects an action word. Motivation according to her is dependent on how much one loves and values her work. Working for her is like a hobby, which she gives valuable time and energy in order to excel on such craft. It also helps to be surrounded by people you enjoy working with and nothing can compare to being able to contribute one’s strength and expertise towards the improvement of a unit and the whole community in general.  
Undeniably, it is from being motivated where her natural way of exuding leadership skills is rooted.   She is somebody who is outspoken, creative, influential, a good decision-maker, and has a strong personal drive to lead. Also, her very notable trait of looking as tough as nails and stress-proof demeanor are admirable. According to her a leader should be flexible, that one can be a standout whether she is a clinician, educator, manager or researcher. These traits no matter how natural for her are not something she is born with but a product of time and experience. She elaborated that working with great minds takes its toll positively on her. Her first unit manager for...