
Theories of World Politics
Concepts Liberalism Realism

Theories of World Politics
Concepts Liberalism Realism Neorealism Neoliberalism


Paradigm: dominant way of looking at a particular subject; structures patterns of inquiry and interpretation Theory: set of hypotheses postulating relationships between variables; used to describe, explain, and predict; must be falsifiable and stand the test of time

Concepts (cont)
State: legal entity with permanent population, welldefined territory, and government able to exercise sovereign authority Nation: collection of people who identify with one another on the basis of ethnic, linguistic, or cultural affinity Power: ability of one actor to get another actor to do what it otherwise would not have done

holds that reason and ethics can overcome international anarchy to create a more orderly and cooperative world stresses the importance of international institutions also associated with “idealism”

Aspects of Liberalism
unity of humankind more important than national loyalties importance of the individual and promotion of human rights and civil liberties using ideas and education to promote world peace free international trade

Aspects of Liberalism, cont.
an end to secret diplomacy terminate interlocking bilateral alliances self-determination of nationalities promotion of democracy associated with President Woodrow Wilson and his Fourteen Points

Anarchy characterizes the international system. World politics is a struggle among self-interested states for power. Each state pursues its national interest. “Realpolitik”--states should be prepared for war in order to preserve peace

Realism’ s Tenets
People are selfish and ethically flawed and compete for self-advantage. People have an instinctive lust for power. Eradicating this instinct is not possible. International politics is a struggle for power. The prime obligation of the state is promoting the national...

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