New Technology

Chapter 23- Technology as a Contingency Factor
By Richard M. Burton and Borge Obel
Burton and Obel state that various dimensions of technology have an effect on the organizational design. Within chapter 23 they consider and analyze technology’s effect on 7 aspects of organizations (including formalization, centralization, complexity, configuration, coordination, and control, and incentives) by using propositions.
Technology Effects on Formalization
  1. If technology routineness is low, then formalization should be low.
  2. If technology routineness is high, then formalization should be high.
  3. If the organization employs many professionals, then Proposition 2 is not strong.
Technology Effects on Centralization
  4. If technology routineness is high and the size of the organization is small, then centralization should be high.
  5. If the organization is large and technology routineness is high, then centralization should be medium.
Technology Effects on Organizational Complexity
  6. If the size of the organization is large and the organization has a technology that is routine, then complexity should be high—particularly horizontal differentiation.
  7. If the size of the organization is small and the organization has a technology that is routine, then complexity should be medium.
Technology Effects on Configuration
  8. If the technology type is unit, then it is more likely that the organization has a matrix configuration.
  9. If the organization has a nonroutine technology, then the functional configuration is not likely to be an efficient configuration.
  10. If the technology is not divisible, then the configuration cannot be divisional.
Technology Effects on Coordination and Control Mechanisms
  11. If the size of the organization is not small and if the technology is routine, then...