Nature vs Nurture Debate

The nature verses nurture debate has been going on for many years and at present there is no clear winner, as both seem to play a vital and important role in human development.
Nature is genetic inheritance or genetic make-up which a child inherits from parents at the time of conception and carries throughout life. There are several aspects of an individual which are clearly genetically inherited such as gender, eye colour, risks for certain diseases and exceptional talents.
The issue of nature having a great impact on a child's development can be illustrated in the studies of twins. Flanagan (2002) explored the Minnesota study where a set of twins was raised separately. In one case, a set of identical twins are raised apart, known as the Jim twins. They did not meet until they were almost fourty and had many similarities even though they were raised apart. There was no explanation for all their similarities except that nature must play a crucial role in development. "The Minnesota twin study concluded that on multiple measures of personality and temperament, occupational and leisure-time interests and social attitudes, mono-zygotic twins reared apart are about as similar as are mono-zygotic twins reared together". This is a prime example that nature plays a significant role in an individual’s development.
Nurture can be defined as the different environmental factors that a person is exposed to throughout their life. Environmental factors can include physical factors such as prenatal nutrition and social environments such as the neighbourhood, media and peer pressure. Environmental factors have different levels of impact on human development as they involve multiple layers of action, ranging from most immediate such as family, friends and neighbourhood to bigger social settings such as school and local government, macro factors such as politics on an international level or global warming are also environmental factors.
An example of an environmental...