My Relationship with Reading and Writing

My Relationship with Reading and Writing
Different individuals have their own personal opinions on literature and as for me, I have my personalized outlook about this topic as well. Words can be found everywhere in life. From math to science, letters are integrated and words are used for explanation. No matter what language the texts are written in, an idea is being communicated thus, I believe that reading and writing is one important part of living, learning and socialization. In the case for English however, I feel that my interest and ability to express may vary in regards to the subject matter being discussed.
Reading and writing may become one’s hobby or leisure but unfortunately, only reading can interest me. I truly do enjoy reading but only to a limited amount of genres, which include romance, real-life drama and mostly fiction. In the near future, I hope that my interest would expand to other genres as I can read more literature. Writing is a very broad subject to generalize my feelings on but I mainly feel frustration when being given assignments that require a large body of writing. I admit that expressing myself is not one of my strengths, which gives me a disadvantage in writing; one of the main reasons why I do not enjoy writing as much than reading. However, there are times when I am enthused or inspired to write resulting great pieces of reports or creative stories but it will take a great deal of effort, spirit and time.
Many of my approaches towards reading and writing are purely based in interest. If I do not feel connected or fascinated by the literature, I will simply discontinue my reading or write poorly. Many unfinished books and bad marks may be resulted from this trait. I am not proud of this but if I do feel interested, I can finish a book in a few days of time and write meaningful articles. My ability for reading and writing are all affected by my own interest but stress will play a part as well in the case for assignments and...