My Past, Present, and Future

My Past, Present, and Future
I have always planned to go to college to further my education when I graduated from high school and of course my life had some unexpected turns. In this paper, I wanted to briefly open up on my personal life experiences growing up and analyze the adult developmental theories of how it helped to turn me into the woman that stands here today. I also will speak on the goals that I want to accomplish with getting my bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management and where I see myself in the near future.
I grew up with having both of my parents and four other siblings in our household. My mom and dad met when they were going to Douglass High School. My dad enlisted in the army when we were young kids and my mom was your average stay at home mom. She took very good care of all of us. But, of course it became harder on being a single parent taking care of four kids on her own. Once my father completed his time in the army, he came back and helped my mother out with the household.
For some reason I think that my mother resented my father for leaving us. Cause ever since he came back, all my mother and father did was argue about everything up under the sun. It hurt us so bad that they were not able to get along and eventually ended up separating when we was just between 4-9 years of age. My daddy took the boys and my mom kept us girls. I and my sister had endured a very hard life living with my mother getting evicted from every apartment that we lived in. We have jumped from school district to school district. At the age of 6 my dad divorces my mother and was awarded full custody of all of us. That was the happiest but sad day of my life, because I missed having all of my siblings around.
When I and my sister were at the ages of 10-11 we moved up to Long Beach, California with my grandmother. We stayed there for about 3 years until my dad was able to take care of us financially. In the midst of residing in California I lost my oldest...