My Goal

Stage 1   My Goal.
My Goal: | Measures: | Timescale: |
Get a good job and have a career.Set in 2013. | Finance.Family.Friends.Employer.Government. | 2 years.(by 2015) |

Stage 2 - Direct Cause Factors
Factors which will cause the aim to be achieved: | Measures: | Timescale: |
Re-train/up-skill. Studying for FEATAC Level 6 in Supply Chain Management | Turn up daily, listen and fully understand what am been taught, if in doubt ask question(s). | One year (2013 to 2014 on-going) |
Chance my attitude. | Have an achievable daily to do list, and have key programs in place to fulfil it. Prioritise my daily activities and be able to sustain my vision. | One year. (2013 to 2014) Almost there, will only be able to fully complete this when employed. |
Family and friends. | Needs support and motivation of my immediate family and friends to achieve my goal. | One year (2013 to 2014 on-going) |
Finance | Support from government to facilitate daily need and | One year (2013 to 2014 on-going) |
Get work experience/full-time employment | Seek employment through job sites, emails and letters, online, face to face, direct or   physically calling into companies, through friends and family too. | 6 weeks by April 14th 2014 |

Stage 3 Enabling Factors

Factors enabling the causal factors: | Measures: | Timescale |
1.1Set aside 2hours each day for studying. | | |
1.2Get feedback on assignment prior to handing in. | | |
2.1Access extra material online. | | |
2.2   Decided to apply for   min 7 jobs   per week. | | |
3.1 Set time aside for job applications. | | |
3.2 Get my priorities right. | | |
4.1Sort out family issues that can interfere with my goal and ambition. | On going | By July ending 2014. |
4.2Manage my finance better. | Deal with the necessary and don’t worry about what beyond my financial reach. | Done. |
5.1Manage my time more effectively. | Stick to my to do list. | Always. |
5.2Keep reviewing and updating...