Move and Position Individuals in Accordance with Their Plan of Care

Move and Position Individuals in Accordance with their Plan of Care
1 Understand anatomy and physiology in relation to moving a positioning individuals
1. Outline the anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importance of correct moving and positioning of individuals  
Joints in the human body are what allow the body to move. They are the place where two bones meet. There are several different types of joints, ball and socket joints are the most mobile in your body. Other joints in the human body are connected with cartilage and can only move a small amount, however most joints in the human body are Synovial joints. These are joints containing a lubricating fluid and these joints are mainly found in areas where movement is important for example limbs. Ligaments in the body help provide joint stability and muscles contract to produce movement. Listed below are the most common Synovial Joints;
  * Ellipsoidal Joints for example the joint at the base of your index finger allowing bending and extending, rocking from side to side but rotational movement is limited
  * Ball and Socket Joints for example hip and shoulder joints allowing the most mobility in the human body
  * Gliding Joints, these occur between the surfaces of two flat bones that are held together by ligaments. These can be found in your wrists or ankles for example
  * Hinge Joints, for example your knee and elbow. Allow movement like a hinge
  * A pivot joint in your neck allows you to turn your head from side to side
  * A saddle joint, the only one in the human body are in your thumbs allowing them to rock back and forth
All the bones in the human body are fastened together by long, fibrous straps called ligaments. Cartlidge a flexible rubbery substance in our joints supports bones and protects them from rubbing together. There are more than 650 muscles in the human body which makes up half our body weight.   Muscles are connected to the bones by tough, cord-like...