Motivaiton Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

      Some of the most important things in life are to make proper decisions and go forward in the right time and place with the readiness to take risks. However, the knowledge of these basic principles does not guarantee success and development. Therefore, one should acquire better knowledge through both higher learning and experience.
      I believe that my educational background in both First Language School and the University of Economics is an excellent start for my development. My choice of high school was influenced by my passion for learning foreign languages and ambition to be a student in one of the highest ranked schools in the country – First Language School, Varna. In addition, my bachelor degree in Finances at the University of Economics, Varna gave me a wide-reaching understanding of the business world today.
      During my four years of education at the University of Economics, I didn’t miss the opportunity to spend every summer in the USA. I took part in four consecutive Work and Travel programs in Ocean City, Maryland. My stay in America inspired me to change my vision of the future and gave me many new ideas how to plan my life. I came to conclusion that Tourism and Hospitality is actually the field where I would be happy to study and develop. Firstly, because I discovered that I love travelling and meeting new people. In my opinion, a future career in Tourism and Hospitality Management will give me the opportunity to work at different places and travel around the world. The second reason is my working practice at two restaurants in Ocean City, Maryland. I have worked as a server, host and food runner. My experience in the Food and Beverage’s Business and observation of the Hospitality Management’s teams pushed me to choose Tourism as my future field of study.
      In my opinion, a career in Hospitality Management requires certain qualities such as critical thinking, communication, financial and team-management...