
She was daughter of a powerful king, King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Henry’s second wife.

Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 7th 1533 in Greenwich palace, Greenwich, England

Elizabeth died on March 24th 1603 from blood poisoning. She was nearly 70 years of age when she died.  

She reigned for 44 years

Her height was estimated between 5ft 3in and 5ft 5in

She never married

She had two siblings; her sister called Mary Tudor (better known as Bloody Mary) and her brother called Edward VI

She never had children or sexual intercourse; hence the name “the Virgin Queen “

She never had children or sexual intercourse; hence the name “ the Virgin Queen “

She never had children or sexual intercourse; hence the name “ the Virgin Queen “

Her mother, Anne Boleyn, was accused of adultery and incest (with her brother George Boleyn) and was beheaded at the Tower of London
Her religion was protestant
As the English nation awaited the invasion of the Spanish Armada in 1588, Elizabeth gave them courage with a rousing speech that included the famous words (left)
A major event of Elizabeth’s reign was the execution of her cousin, Mary, Queen of Scots. Mary was a Catholic and had long claimed the right to the English throne. Forced to abdicate in Scotland, she was held in England under close confinement. After nearly twenty years of causing intrigue in England, Mary was finally beheaded for treason.      
.Virgin Queen
.Good Queen Bess
. The Faerie Queen