
Assignment No: 7PTLLS Course L4.

Different Assessment Methods.

As a teacher carrying out assessments, you need to know thoroughly both the standards for which you are assessing and the job/task you are assessing.   The assessment process is to assess evidence of candidate’s competence against standards, this is why it is important for them to complete an Initial Assessment at the start. The Initial Assessment identifies the individual needs of candidate’s and can also identify the learning styles of individuals early on to see if additional support will be required and if they are on the right course for them.   If the candidates are struggling and not fully prepared or able to complete the assessment it is demotivating for them and you as their Assessor because the best possible results will not be achieved.

In my job role I assess candidates who are quite practical people working in the hospitality industry, writing skills and completing assignments, for most are not necessarily the most popular form of assessment method used.   I assess both formatively as an ongoing part of the learning and summatively where NVQ units are passed and the course is complete. I make sure that each assessment carried out is planned so that the candidate is fully aware of what will take place.   This is recorded on an Assessment Plan.   I think about SMART as I do this.   Is the assessment plan I have set, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound? Am I ensuring the assessment plan set will cover evidence that is Valid, Authentic, Current, Sufficient and Reliable also known as VACSR.

Try to remember “Valid Assessments Create Standard Results” (Ann Gravells Pg83)

The assessment methods I use most often are:-


  The best method of assessment I find is to observe the candidates in action, watching them perform a skill so that you can see how well they are doing. I find this method of assessment both valid and reliable because you can be sure...