
Jessica Goode

264 Infection control

Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection?

It is our job in the workplace as carers to take precautionary measures to prevent and control the spread of infection; this means protecting myself and others, including staff and families that visit the workplace. Some of the legislation and regulations that relate to the control and prevention of infection include
The Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA),
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
The Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).

It is very important that we know this work acts and work with them at our workplaces.

As employees we must ensure we attend all necessary trainings that our employers provide regarding infection control and prevention. If an employee comes across a hazard such another member of staff not wearing gloves in a situation that could cause infection control we should report it immediately to the manager or senior of them workplace.

We must make sure wwe are carrying out the correct ways of working in the work place such as washing your hand properly and making sure you don’t come to work if you are feeling unwell, as you will be putting others at risk, wearing unclean uniforms or not having your nails short and germ free would also be a huge risk to the residents when crossing infection, by always wearing protective clothing; as a support worker wearing aprons and gloves is very important. It is also important that all equipment is cleaned correctly to avoid cross infection this is because infection can also spread from one person to another through any contact.

Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection?

The duty of your employer is to provide the correct equipment known as PPE, equipment, provide the staff with the correct training, make sure risk assessments are in...