
3 Understand how to support children and young people’s development during transitions.
3.2 | Analyse support to minimise disruption to development during periods of transition. |
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There are many different periods of transitions that a children/young people must face in their lives, this many lead to disruptions in there development. Emotional, Physical, Intellectual and Physiological
Examples of Transitions
Parents splitting up, parents starting new families step parents, step siblings and living with them. Moving homes, changing area, having to form new friendships. Loss or illness of a friend or family member. Moving schools, moving from family home to residential care/supported housing or into own home for the first time, daily routine, changers to the body, accidents, illness, going into hospital, Youth offenders, prison.
The effects this can have on their developments may be behavioural problems, being with draw, communication problem, falling behind in development, education, not joining in activities or family time, anger, threatening others, blame themselves, self-harm, being bullied, avoid social interaction, seeking ways to be accepted in a new community, getting into trouble with parents/carers/law. Being shy, quiet, find it difficult to express their feeling or open up, sleeplessness, understanding why this transition is happening, being dependant on others, unwilling, anxiety, sadness and fear, low self-confidence and self-esteem, need for affection, Loss of appetite, Loss of motivation, Lack of concentration, Strained relationships etc. One of the biggest impacts this has on development is forming positive relationship with other and building trust.  
Support to minimise disruption

Find the young person’s transition needs. What emotional, physical and material needs need to be considered when supported the transition. Look at ways to prevented or avoided upset. How can we reduce the impact of these losses for the young person....