
Palesa Thinane
SCK 3703
Code 588403

3 Themes of action
8 Development approaches
10 Principles of participatory development
13 The role of the community worker

1.1Themes/phases of action in the Development of Ikageng-Witkoppen pre primary school
1.1.1 Contact making
Contact making is the initial phase of the development process. It begins as soon as the facilitator or the development worker enters the community.   It consists of multiple processes that must be conducted thoroughly and should not be rushed.
This includes Self awareness of the worker, the worker adhering to the goals of contact making, conducting a broad angled scan,   analysing needs, and a SWOT analysis (Participatory community development in social work and the social service profession only study guide for SCK3039 2007:136-155). Below we will see how contact making took place.
a) Self awareness of the worker
The student was aware of herself as a whole person, she became aware of her own values as well and her frame of reference.   The project was a reflection of her own frame of reference as she became overwhelmed by the situation. It is quite clear that she valued education; the project could have been any other thing since the community had so many social problems (Participatory community development in social work and the social service profession only study guide for SCK3039 2007:136-155).

b) Goals of contact making
The student was given a greater chance to conduct contact making.   The student was permitted by the principal to get to know the community, and form an action group. This will allow the student to know the people in the community, and the community to get to know the student.   It will also help the student to analyse the community’s needs/issues/and concerns and also the community’s opportunities (Swanepoel and De Beer 2011:164-166).

c) Conducting a broad angle scan
As the student scanned the community, the following...