Miss Gartland

Form F2: Response sheet for task 2: Working with a small group

1. Your details

Name | Claire Gartland |
School | Bidston Village CE PS |
Name of teacher for this task | Miss J Feltham |
Number of learners for this task | Six |
Date of task | 24/09/15 |

Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record which standards have been claimed.

2. Sources of evidence for this task

Document reference no. | Brief description | Standard |
| | |

3. Context

A brief, but anonymous, profile of the learners with whom you have been working: | Standard |
The children in this group are aged 9-11 years old.   They are in the educational inclusion base with a statement of M.L.D.   They each have other areas of need which impacts on their learning.Child B is a L.A.C.   She came to our school at the age of 6yrs old and was still working on P scales.   Her home life had been hectic and this obstructed her learning.   She has been a L.A.C since she was 7yrs old.   She is now a confident child with fantastic life experiences but she is still working below the national average for her age. She is currently yr5 working at yr3 ability. She has a statement of M.L.D. and had visual difficulties. She is also on the pupil premium register.Child C has a hectic home life and often arrives at school exhausted due to lack of sleep.   He lives with his mum, older brother and younger sister.   Although things are hard at home he is a happy boy and eager to learn.   He is currently yr6 working at yr3 ability. He has a statement of M.L.D. He receives free school meals and is on the Pupil Premium register.Child D has a history of medical issues which meant she missed a lot of school when she was younger.   She lives with her gran and is an avid lover of horses.   She often goes off into day dreams and needs to be brought back onto task.   She is currently a y6 child working at y4 ability.   She receives free school meals and is on the...