Methodology Bulimia Nervosa

Qualitative method is used in this research study and this is an appropriate method as the research aim is to describe experiences of women with bulimia nervosa. It is vital to choose the appropriate research methodology to in able to achieve the research aim (Bowling, 2002). Qualitative method allows the researcher to explore and develop an in-depth understanding of the research topic and the participants’ experiences (Aveyard and Sharp, 2013). A drawback of this method is that it cannot be generalized as each results produced is unique for each individual. Moreover, there are other limitations that might be overlooked such as producing a credible, robust research and demonstrating rigor may be a challenge that the researchers may face (Ryan et al., 2007). Rigour demonstrates the validity, credibility and trustworthiness of the qualitative research. Rigour is obtained when the reader manages to analyse the actions and progress of the researchers (Koch, 2006). Furthermore, it is usually more time consuming to gather information compared to quantitative studies.

To understand and interpret the women's experience with Bulimia Nervosa. The researcher of the article have chosen to apply interpretive phenomenology approach (Qualitative Research). A Theoretical framework associated with Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher who has a great influence on phenomenology and existentialism in today's world (Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2015).According to Polit and Beck (2008), Heidegger stressed that human experience is an interpretative process is not just describing the phenomena but to enter and experience the world of the informant or the subject to gain an in-depth understanding of the experience that can be used to interpret the phenomena.

Phenomenology approach focuses on the individuals interpretation of their experience and the way they perceive the situation, unlike ethnography, where cultural and social background are the main factors that...