Metals Chemistry and My Perception

Metals metallurgy – My Perception
Metals are chemical elements which are good conductors having heat and electrical conductivity. It forms cations and anions and its forms ionic bond with non-metals. Their elements compounds and alloys have high electrical conductivity. In the metal the atoms readily lose electrons to form positive ions. The solid thus produced is held by electron interaction between ion and electron cloud are called metallic bonds.
Position in the periodic table
Metals occupy bulk of the periodic table. The non-metals occupy the right hand side of periodic table. The diagonal line drawn from Boron to Pollonium. Separate the metals from non-metals. The elements found on the upper right of the periodic table are non-metals. The elements found on the lower left of the periodic table are non-metals.  
Metals occupy the groups on the left of the periodic table group I A of the periodic table consists of highly reactive metals called alkali metals while group IIA of the periodic table consists of alkaline earth metals. The elements between group IIA and group IIIA are known as transition metals.
Base Metals
It refers to metal that oxidizes or corrodes relatively easily. Copper is a base metal. It oxidizes relatively easy and it provides opposition to noble metals. In alchemy base metals are common and in expensive. And it provides opposition to precious metals.
Noble Metals
The metals that are resistant to corrosion or oxidation (ex:) Tantalum, Gold, Platinum, Silver.
Source and evolution of metals
Progress of civilization was first benchmarked by man’s increasing knowledge and usage of metallic deposits in earth crust. Early man used stones, bones and wood to fulfill their requirements of hunting, cooking, and building. The first metal to be found and used was copper.
By 2000 BC he acquired the knowledge of extracting iron from its ores by heating and this period came to be known as Iron Age.
Bronze was used for many years and this epoch...