Merengue and Bachata

Merengue and Bachata
Although Merengue and Bachata is the most popular music it is at its best form now, because artists have added the different styles towards the music. In the 19th century Merengue has been the Dominican musical repertoire, it was in the mid 1900’s Merengue became the dominant music in the island.
Under the influence of Dictator Rafael Trujillo, the music that was considered low-brow rose to the music that dominated the Dominican airwaves for over three decades. Following his assassination, ending his regime Merengue began to receive different and creative currents. Leading to new record label to print and market it commercially. Merengue was brought overseas by immigrants, mainly to New York City and Puerto Rico. Salsa was the most popular Latin music at the time, but in the 1980’s it caught on. To the delight of Dominicans and other Latin American people it exploded into position as international pop genre, which was led by Wilfrido Vargas. That is when Merengue boomed and was introduced into the radio waves, especially New York City area which most popular Merengue bands, including famous songs that were created there, as well.  
As for Bachata, it was originated in the Dominican Republic in the early 20th century by African descendants and it became widely popular in the poor countryside and rural neighborhoods. This musical genre was also heard and danced in the cabarets in which was considered low class, bitter, rarely mentioned and it seldom played in the Dominican radio airwaves. Until a young musician, that played with another band left due differences and formed his own, rose to gain popularity with his famous songs and public feuds. Antony Santos broke the local barrier with new technique and sounds implementing new instruments to his band. He became the first artist to go main stream and reach a different audience. Bachata began to circle the international airwaves gaining loyal listeners by targeting a younger crowd and people...