Media Bias

Media Bias
The structure of a television news story affects our understanding of current events, by recreating the story line that has already been projected. Articles with more description give us the views a better understanding, than a television story. This might as well change our own view points on what is really going on. As I read through the Hobby Lobby Hysteria and Unchallenged Hyperbole article about the government’s intuitive of women and their health insurance through the work place, I learned why it’s important to not just find information with television. Banning female employees from using birth control for having a better structured government was what my thoughts were, by the end of the article.

Hobby Lobby is a religious store, no work on a Sunday. Is this the employers’ beliefs no, the company makes those decisions. So does the company make the decision for health benefits as well yes. This indicates that banning female employees from using birth control is caused by the company. Not only is the religious aspects at hand but, the government is forcing these accusations on birth control being provided to the women. The government is doing a disservice towards these women working. If women on health insurance cannot be provided as much medical needs like birth control, then why does the government complain about population growth?

Do I agree with this article and the government taking medical health away no. Women should have the right to contraception. The government still believes that women are not superior like men still. Therefore taking these health care benefits away they are still discriminating women and their rights. “No women will be dined whatever contraceptives she chooses to purchase.” This quote from the article refutes the purpose of the whole argument. Women have the rights to buy what they need, but through there company it is wrong for them to have that resource for contraception. How the media reacts to the results...