
Chapter Nine
How Theatre Happens
by Debra Bruch
The theatre is a collaborative effort of giving. That means that a person cannot do theatre
alone. Every member must be a part of a cohesive community. The better the community
functions, the greater the potential to give and impact people's lives. An understanding of
people's roles is necessary to understand how to build this rather unique community.
Essentially, we need only the actors, the play, and the audience, but a survey of the
expanded version of theatre production is necessary to understand the interrelationships
among community members to produce theatre and potentially create a meaningful and
spiritual experience.
The ideal theatrical enterprise includes the producer, the playwright, the director, the
scene designer, the light designer, the costume designer, the sound designer, the properties
designer, the makeup designer, the assistant director, the stage manager, the running crew,
and the actors.
These positions can be divided into two categories. One category is pre-production. Long
before the performance begins, people begin to actualize it. Another category is production.
People who fall under this category actually work during the performance. The only group
of people who fall under both categories are the actors.
The Producer.
The producer finds or offers the means to produce theatre. He or she is primarily
concerned with monies and as such seeks funds and usually finances anything that needs to
be financed. The producer often carries the role of publicist and basic business
Chapter 9: How Theatre Happens – Page #2
administrator. He or she hires or assigns the director.
A theatre production at a reunion is produced overall by the sponsoring organization. They
give people the opportunity to perform by supplying the time, space, and sometimes the
The Playwright
The playwright, more...