Martin Luther King Jr Death

English 205
Dr. Enright

Argument Paper on who killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the most peaceful warrior of the twentieth century. He has made a dramatic impact on racial discrimination and a widely known black activist. He is also known for his powerful speeches such as: “I have a dream” and his letter from “Birmingham Jail” and of course, my favorite speech “Rediscovering Lost Valves”.
      There have been many controversial theories on who killed King. Considering the evidence, class studies and research I have done, it has convinced me that the man who pleaded guilty and convicted to serve a ninety-nine year sentence is completely responsible for the killing of Martin Luther King.
      On April 4th, 1968 Dr. King was attending a mediating sanitation worker’s strike in Memphis, Tennessee. He was staying in room 306 at the Lorraine Motel. As King walked out of room 306 shortly around 6 pm., King stood behind an iron balcony railing just in front of his room, and then it was reported that a high-powered rifle cracked the air. (Mayflower, p.429) The thirty-nine year old black activist leader also known as Ralph D. Abernathy was pronounced died at 7:05 pm. in the emergency room of St. Joseph Hospital. (Mayflower, p.429)
      After a two month man hunt, James E. Ray, who is known as a career criminal and an open racist was arrested at a Heathrow Airport after which he had robbed a London Bank. (infoplease)   According to officials, Ray had rented a room directly across the street from where King was staying at the Lorraine Motel. Using binoculars and a large rifle with a sniper scope, Ray shot King through his motel bathroom window. (infoplease)
      Even though evidence such as: fingerprints on the rifle and binoculars, a record of Ray purchasing the rifle six days before the assignation, Ray wanted to escape the possibility of facing execution, so on March 1969 Ray pleaded guilty to the murder of Martin Luther...