Managing Organisations and People

This report has developed out of the necessity to successfully accommodate new apprentices who start their programme with ill physical and mental health. It has risen due to a recent influx of apprentices who have had to have immediate time off from work due to ill health. I am basing the report on one particular apprentice who is currently on leave from work; my aim is to create a framework that can be applied to future instances of immediate and urgent apprentice sick leave. Utilising concepts and theories from the BZX628 course, I will seek to demonstrate my understanding of an actual case study of a problem and look to develop an understanding and draw conclusions of how best to deal with the situation that has arisen. The report is primarily based around people management, however this does link into other areas such as; budget issues, departmental resources and equipment.

Problem report
The current problem involves a new apprentice who has only completed three days of work in her first two weeks of her apprenticeship programme. The workplace who have hired the apprentice are starting to lose patience as there is no concrete reason being given for the apprentice’s sickness leave, the only thing being co-ordinated back from the apprentice is that the doctor has signed a sickness certificate for two weeks. The certificate is yet to materialise.
The apprentice’s workplace is now exploring their options regarding termination of the apprentice’s contract. My team have a responsibility to ensure apprentices are developed while on programme, this includes ensuring their safe welfare. We also have a responsibility to the workplaces we service as they require value for money which is not occurring with this apprentice as they have yet to make a meaningful contribution in the workplace. In order to meet our funding requirements from our funding body, we must progressing the apprentice, therefore it is in our best interest to integrate apprentice back...