Manage an Inter-Professional Team

1 1.1 Inter-professional team is formed from different healthcare disciplines working together towards common goals to meet the needs of a patient.

Inter-professional team working is a complex concept which show the way that different types of staff work together to share expertise, knowledge and skills to impact on patient care.

The ''National Institute for Health Research'' done a study research about ''The impact of Enhancing the Effectiveness of interdisciplinary working'' examining the relationship between interdisciplinary team working and outcomes for patients and carers, staff and services. The aim of this study is to use the information to develop an interdisciplinary management tool which can be used to optimise outcomes for patient, staff and the service.1

Another research from ''National Institute for Health Research'' was about investigating the effectiveness of different approaches or models of inter-professional   working from the perspective of the older person and their families, carers. ''Effective inter-professional working was perceived as closely, entwined with process of care that promoted:

    • continuity of care through a recognised key worker or case manager from health or social care

    • relationship style of working that supported coproduction with older person

    • ongoing shared review

    • functioning ties or link across a wider primary care service network

    • evidence that the system at time of crisis, could respond.''2

At my work place I have an effective collaboration with different professionals to meet the needs of my residents. Ex. C.B. developed a stroke which affected her right   side of the body including her swallowing, becoming a high risk of aspiration. Been in hospital for recovery she was assessed by speech and language therapist, but she was having problems to cope with the soft food and normal fluids, starting to lose weight. I called the general practitioner to review her, requested...