Major Changes in Family That Occured with Process of Modernity

According to UN, cited in Donohoe J. (2003) “The family is any combination of two or more persons who are bound together by ties of mutual consent, birth and/or adoption or placement and who, together, assume responsibility for, inter alia, the care and maintenance of group members through procreation or adoption, the socialisation of children and the social control of members”.   In this essay, the author will be exploring some of the changes that have occurred in the family through pre-modern (traditional) society to industrial (modern) society. In during this, the author will be looking at the concept of family, different types of families, family structures and changes that occur in Europe and Irish society.
Family has under gone series of transformation. During pre-modern era, families lived in rural areas. There were close family ties among the members of the family. The main source of livelihood was agriculture, families working in the farm to survive. Children as early as seven had started engaging in farm works, some of them went into apprenticeship or serving other families in their homes, Gidden’s (2005). There were larger connection and communal communication within the community.
As the world began to experience economic changes through industrialisation, family ties also began to experience changes.   When people began to move from rural areas to cities, the family ties and neighbours began to break. Society began to experience different types of family. Economic change also brought about changes in the values and norms of the family and community.   Different definitions and meanings being attached to family, kinship and marriage. According to Gidden’s (2006), family is a group of persons who are closely related to each other and this include adults who looks after the children, while Kinship is referred to as attachment that exist among people through marriage or chains of descent that has blood connection.   Looking at both...