Macbeth's Changing Attitudes

Macbeth’s ever-changing opinions are flawlessly showcased throughout Shakespeare’s piece by his relationships with Duncan and Banquo, which both began with loyalty but resulted in treason.   Although only a small portion of Macbeth’s and Duncan relationship was portrayed throughout the tragedy, they held a trusting alliance until Macbeth was announced the Thane of Cawdor.   At this revolutionary point Macbeth becomes greedy for power and he and his wife strategically stage an opportunity to take prey on Duncan’s vulnerability.   As the hour of Duncan’s murder approaches, Macbeth consciously begins gathering numerous reasons to follow through with the deed.   For example:
“First, as I am his kinsman and his subject,
Strong both against the deed: then, as his host,
Who should against his murderer shut the door,
Not bear the knife myself”
(I, vii, 13-16)
After killing Duncan with a remorseful conscience, his only guilt exhibited throughout the play quickly dissolves.   Macbeth’s unfortunate flaw in his lack of acknowledging the repercussions of his actions leads to him to a doomed destiny driven by ambition.   The same blind determination occurs in Banquo’s case.   Banquo and Macbeth begin their relationship as partners in battle.   After Macbeth ascends to the crown of Scotland, the proposition (suggestion) made by the witches’ prophecy that Banquo is a threat to Macbeth’s power (rule) and suspicions of Duncan assassination poses too much of a danger from his perspective.   The Scottish King once again follows through with murdering a once dear friend.   The unfortunate soul’s lousy actions in such circumstances lead to illustrating the theme of using ignorance to achieve goals.
Karma tends to take part in the play when Macduff and the witches morph from Macbeth’s allies to foes.