
What is love   ? What is trust ………… I don’t know ,   well at least   I thought I did know   but when it comes to you can say you know , can you deny that feeling , although it is so wrong , we base our love and trust on things we see and on things we feel . Loving someone is very costly it   takes away everything from you and everything you have, can we love someone that much and be or feel very happy about it , one thing always leads to the other   can you stay focus on that one person , can you trust that one person   it is so real this is something that God created and manifested in man. Shall I continue this goes hand in hand it’s , a partnership , trust and love they have a lifetime contract . You can never trust some one and not love them , likewise you   can never love some one   and not trust them ,   you will be selfish and very unworthy of a mate , trust is a lot   , it is heavy and it requires a lot from the person who have it , you cannot put this on and take it off like clothes ,you to put it on and leave it on for your entire life when you retire this does not retire you got to keep on this it is a life time bond for now and forever more. When you tell some one you love them do you know what you are telling them , when you tell that some one I trust you or like wise, it’s your all on the line? . This is a life time commitment are you committed to it , are you true to it, making these choices the requirements and the application form is only a 100% right up , the grade for this exam is only A+   please take note, I never said A - I said A+ can you give it ,if not don’t have a relationship sorry I know we have feeling and I also know that we’ll be in love , some of us will fall in love, fall which will be weird for those who fall in love, please be wise and strong protect your heart trust your self , keep your self , work on your self, take time with and for you be very cautious and be very alert , cause if not you might run and fall and no one...