
When following the events that occurred after WW1, I believe that WW2 was pretty hard to avoid. As the economy was deteriorating due to the depression, the only way to help people get back into their jobs from WW1 was to enter another war. Although this was not a major reason for entering the war, it was the only solution to the depression which had lasted since 1929. Secondly, after signing the Treaty of Versailles which ended world war one, Germany lost a significant amount of land and people. As Germany hadn't actually lost the war when signing the treaty, their reputation suffered. They wanted to win back their dignity, and their territories and colonies. Therefore the Axis (Germany, Italy, Japan) were trying to rebel and regain their colonies or invade countries to gain better access to resources. The Alliance (France, Britain, Russia, and the U.S.A.) on the other hand, was trying to prevent these countries from the invasions. At first, all of these countries made up the League of Nations which was also a part of WW2. However the limited power of the League did not allow a large contribution on their part. When they tried to stop Japan from illegally invading China, Japan refused to listen and simply withdrew from the League of Nations. Later, when Italy was invading Ethiopia, the League of Nations made threats towards Italy’s economy, which caused them to also withdraw from the League of Nations. Finally, Germany also joined the axis by withdrawing from the League of Nations. Therefore, WW2 was hard to avoid, as the League of Nations was not given enough power in the first place. Countries could simply leave the League and they would have the freedom they desired.   These three factors: the depression, Germany’s feelings towards the Treaty of Versailles, and finally the limited power of the League of Nations all contributed to the beginning of a second world war. It would have been hard to avoid this war, as it resolved many problems (however it also created...