
Are Photos Really Needed?
Nancy McLeod
English 1210 MWF 4:00-5:15
November 11, 2010

Abstract:   This article is based upon several research surveys conducted by a group of multi-culture college students, all in pursuit to find out what type of images people have by their beside if there are any. This article explores the emotional attachment that women seem to portray through having photos. There were women who took the survey and did not have photos. The paper therefore also argues, if photos are need by all women to show their emotional attachment.

Research Question: Why do women tend to emotional attachment through photos?
Literature Review: In a research article by Rose G (2004) two specific questions were addressed for guiding the study. This paper was based on a small-scale, qualitative research project, which wed in-depth. Semi-structured interviews to explore what a particular group of middle-class, white mothers with young children were doing with their family photographs. It was evident from the interviews that this group of women felt ambivalent about their photos. On the one hand, photos were seen as precious objects which evoked intense emotional reaction. On the other, they were seen as banal and trivial. The paper explores this emotional paradox, and suggests that it is part of the spatial proximity so central to these family snaps, which the mothers described as 'togetherness'. This togetherness was also enacted, in a number of ways in relation to the photos. The paper also argues, more generally, that studies of visual imagery need to pay more careful attention to how particular images are engaged with in specific, diverse and multi-sensory ways when they are 'seen'(2004). In comparison to the study we conducted based on the results it showed that some women also where attached to certain photos, but on the other hand that some women do not have photos. In which raised the question “Are photos really needed”. In contrast to this study, we...