
1. Give a brief description of four secondary storage media and include their advantages and disadvantages.
1) Magnetic tape: Data are recorded   as magnetized “spots” on tape. Advantages: large amounts of date can be stored at low cost; relativity   stable medium. Disadvantage: Older medium; slow speed; sequential access only. 2) USB (universal serial bus flash drive): Small circuit broad encased in metal or plastic that interface with the computer via the USB port. Advantages: Very small, highly portable; inexpensive. Disadvantage: Memory cells eventually fail; easily lost/ portable media pose security issues. 3) Smart   Card : Resemble a plastic credit card, but has embedded computer chip to store and process information:   Advantages: Convenient; good memory capacities. Disadvantage: Required special reader;   easily lost/ portable media pose security issues. 4) Magnetic disk- advantage- Hard disks can store large amount of data in small physical space Floppy disks are very inexpensive. Disadvantage- Floppy disk storage volume is relatively small; disks are insecure and easily damaged or lost; medium is becoming obsolete.
2. Discuss the relative advantage of using a pointing device to enter a patient's vital signs compared with simply typing in the values using a keyboard.
The relative advantage of using a pointing device to enter a patient’s vital signs is easy to use rapid data entry, compared with simply typing in the values using a key board which is avoiding data entry errors
3. Suggest how the use of a patient ID bracelet containing a bar-code representation of the patient's ID and a bar-code scanner can lead to improved quality of care in a hospital.
The use of a patient ID bracelet containing a bar code representation of the patient’s ID and a bar code scanner can lead to improve quality of care in a hospital; rapid data entry good error control, useful in tracking systems. In healthcare computing data entry typically occurred at centralized...