Lost in Translation

What is gained and lost in the translation of Of Mice and Men from the novel to Gary Sinise’s film?

The issues covered in both John Stenbeick’s novel “Of Mice and Men” which is based during the Great Depression years and its translation to film by Gary Sinise, which is based in the Californian Depression, are very much the same. However, through translation some aspects have been either lost or gained in conveying these issues which include Companionship, Innocence and Strength & Weakness.

In his portrayal of the issue of Companionship, as in this film, Sinise was most successful.
John Steinbeck’s novel focused on the dependence of Lennie and George. Companionship during the 1930’s Great Depression was an extremely rare case between migrant workers. As George and Lennie are shown to be close throughout the novel, Steinbeck explores their friendship to a deeper level. Steinbeck’s text reflects this with technique of an anecdote. “George’s voice was taking on the tone of confession…. He damn near drowned before we could get him. An’ he was so damn nice to me for pullin’ him out. Clean forgot I told him to jump in.”
Through this technique, Steinbeck has successfully conveyed to the audience the issue of companionship where Lennie’s idolization of the friendship between George and himself is shown. Men like George who migrate from farm to farm rarely have anyone to look to for companionship and protection. As the story develops, Candy, Crooks and Curley’s wife all confess their deepest loneliness. Sinise creates a scene in which a distant shot of Curley and Curley’s wife is shown sitting down on a porch watching Curley. This conveys successfully to the audience that Curley’s wife is distant from Curley and longs for real companionship.

Innocence has many different functions in Of Mice and Men and has been successfully translated to film by Gary Sinise. When the responder first meets Lennie in Steinbecks novel, he can be described as having childlike...