Lord of the Flies

Novelists use their texts to portray aspects of life, that at time, can be confronting and make us question values. In lord of the flies by William Golding, the author provides an insight into the four pillars of society. The author illustrates “mankind’s essential illness” destruction and savagery of the island. Golding has used various metaphorical references to present the key characters, themes and motifs. Lord of the Flies represents the darkness in mans heart and their tendency to do evil.

Golding’s choice of characters illustrates his portrayal of society. The various characters represent key figures and events happening in the world. For example Ralph and Jack represent leadership, they’re the leaders of our society who hold high power and responsibility. Simon is a metaphorical representation of biblical teachings. Golding represents Jesus through Simon, in a way that shows love, peace and religious symbolism. The littluns represent the people of society, like us who have no power controlling what happens within the world. Within these characters conflict arises, causing destruction and commotion on the island.

A major theme that arises from the book Lord of the Flies is the idea of civilization vs Savagery. Jack is the symbol of savagery and Ralph is the symbol of civilization. This is demonstrated by the struggles between Ralph and Jack for authority and control over the group of boys. There is an instinct to behave in a civilized manner, which Ralph tries to enforce onto the boys, but there is also the desire and impulse to satisfy immediate desires which Jack asserts. This creates a rift between the boys and ultimately leads to two camps that are at war with one another. “Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart …”, Golding is painting a picture of how he views the society he lived in and how there is constant conflict and disagreement within society, which in turn is destroying the innocence of mankind.

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