Life in the Plastic Era

Life in the plastic era
The present world in which we live is based on plastic .There was a time when all our activities used to be carried out by use of many biodegradable items. However, the introduction of plastic in the world market led to a change in the situation. Suddenly it seems that our life is incomplete without plastics. However if we see carefully then we find out that plastics gave us the power to bring are evolution in the industrial market. Suddenly such a wonderful product was available which would help to change the packaging industry forever, giving the medicinal field the edge to do the impossible i.e. make health care cheap and inexpensive, industries had the power to reduce the enormous cost on labour residence etc. The heavy weight of metals could now be reduced. Corrosion could now be prevented .The plumbing pipes are slowing being replaced by the PVC pipes. The weight of household containers suddenly went down along with its cost making it feasible for everyone. There was, still is, and will be praise for this wonder material. It changed the typical India kitchen and reduced the number of food poisoning cases, as the mighty plastics do not react with any other material. Any newborn child is easily attracted towards the beautiful plastic toys, which may in a large number of colours. He knows how the plastic tastes before tasting other any other food item .As a student the plastic is everywhere for me from my rulers to the stick files from lab gloves till sportswear. From the posters to my computer, plastic has found a universally appealing place in our lives. Plastics have helped us to reach a significant new era. Nowadays the people have self consciously blame the plastics for the pollution , the global warming , the sudden hysteria caused due to the possibility that the earth may not harbour life again in the near future. However are plastics really to blame or is it us our own deeds. Today if we look around us and try to imagine the...