Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

The aim of this essay is to produce a lesson plan on the role of ethical principles in health care to a group of six learners at different stages of their training. Health professions are frequently faced with ethical dilemmas during the care of their patients. This may be the case because, when patients seek medical care they are not entering an ordinary social relationship; they often feel vulnerable because of the need to expose and share intimate and important aspects of their lives. Ethical principles offer tangible protection to both patients and doctors in these circumstances (Limentani A, 1999). Codes of ethics have been a longstanding element in the professional control of the behaviour of doctors, and indicate a commitment to act with integrity in extreme circumstances (Hurwitz B, Richardson R, 1997). The theory for my lesson will be based on the ‘four principles’ approach developed by Beauchamp and Childress (1989), which is based on: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice. The intention of the lesson is to enable the students to reflect upon the moral dilemmas they would encounter and in the process understand the principles of medical ethics and consider its applications in the care they provide.

The Learning Objective
A clear objective is essential to determine what you want the students to learn and be able to do at the end of the class. There is no doubt that learning objectives enhance learning, but it should be based on the learners needs, not on the teacher’s preference (Houlden R, 1998). Thus, a learning objective is beneficial for the learner as well as the teacher. For the teacher it helps to identify what knowledge, skills, and attitudes the learner needs to acquire. It helps to guide selection of teaching activities to those which will best achieve these objectives and serves to connect content and assessment around learning. It gives learners a clear picture of what to expect and what’s expected of them. It...