Learning and Development

Learning and development cycle

Every learner is different and learns in different ways, times and environments. As a practitioner it is essential that the learning and development cycle is understood and put to practice to ensure the learners achieve their best.

VARK  learning styles cators for a range of children's learning needs.
V- Visual learners prefer the use of images, maps, visual cues to access and understand any new given information. A technique for visual learners would be flash cards.
A - Auditory learners understand new learning through listening and speaking in lectures or group discussions. A technique for aural learners is repetition and use of a dictaphone to listen back on the information.  
R - Read and writing learners have a strong preference to learn through the use of books and words. A technique of this type of learner would be writing notes throughout the learning session.
K - Kinesthetic learners best understand information through practical and representations of the information. A technique that a kinesthetic learner would benefit from would be a hands on experience. For example, Learning about the flow of blood from the heart could be done in a hall; 4 quarters on the floor representing the 4 chambers and then the children move from chamber to chamber in the correct way to understand.  
KOLB’s learning cycles gives a health mentor more of an understanding into the learning and development cycle. KOLB has identified two continuums, processing and perception that are based around the four different styles.

These styles link to those of VARK but with an in depth knowledge to understand the learners needs.
  * Concrete experience looks at the things as they are, without any change, in raw details.
  * Abstract Conceptualism looks at the concepts and ideas, after a degree of processing that turns into raw detail onto an internal model.
  * Active Experimentation involves the learners taking in the information and...