Language and Cultural Effects on Society

ENTRECULTURAS Número 1. ISSN: 1989-5097.

Fecha de publicación: 27-03-2009

LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Eugene A. Nida United Bible Society (EE.UU.) ABSTRACT This article collects the plenary conference given by Eugene A. Nida at the V International Congress “Translation, Text and Interferences” on Translation and Cultural Mediation, hold at the University of Cordoba (Spain), in which the author recounts that, along his career as a translator, it was of paramount importance to know the values of the different cultures he visited in order to understand how these cultures communicated meaningfully with one another and, consequently, be able to help their translators in their work of translating the Bible. KEYWORDS: Eugene Nida, culture, biblical translation. RESUMEN El presente artículo recoge la conferencia plenaria que el profesor Eugene A. Nida pronunció en el V Congreso Internacional “Traducción, Texto e Interferencias” sobre Traducción y mediación cultural, celebrado entre el 13 y el 15 de diciembre de 2006 en la Universidad de Córdoba, donde relata que, a lo largo de su trayectoria como traductor, le resultó crucial conocer los valores de las distintas culturas que visitó para poder comprender cómo se comunicaban entre sí y, por ende, ser capaz de ayudar a los traductores de estas culturas en su labor de traducción de la Biblia. PALABRAS CLAVE: Eugene Nida, cultura, traducción bíblica. 1. INTRODUCTION After travelling around the world several times in order to help translators, I have met up with a number of cultures. It was crucial for me to know the values of these different people in order to understand how they communicate meaningfully with one another. Now, I would like to share with you some of the insights I gained from listening to them.


ENTRECULTURAS Número 1. ISSN: 1989-5097.

Fecha de publicación: 27-03-2009

2. YIPOUNOU (CAMEROUN) In one of my books I mentioned helping a translator improve a translation of the Gospel of John in Yipounou....