Lab Report

Design of Experiment Lab

Purpose: What is the best and cheapest method that will remove a grape stain on a piece of white cloth? The variables in this experiment include:
  1. Cold water or hot water ($0.02)

                                                          2.     2% soap ($0.01)

                                                          3.   No bleach or 2% bleach ($0.04)

Hypothesis: The cold water and the bleach 2% will remove the stain the best and the Hot water and no bleach will not remove the stain at all.


  1. Take out 8 cups and label 4 of them with a sharpie marker “Hot water” and the other 4 “Cold water”

  2. label one hot water cup and one cold cup “bleach 2%” then label two other hot and cold cups “no bleach” then another hot and cold cup “soap 2%” then finally label the last two hot and cold cups with “bleach and soap”

  3. Cut out 8 stripes of the stained shirt using scissors(make sure they are all about the same size)

  4. Fill the four “hot water” cups with 100mL of hot water and the other 4 “cold water” cups with 100mL of cold water.

  5. Fill one hot cup and one cold cup with 20 drops of bleach and another hot and cold cup with 20 drops of soap then another hot and cold cup with 20 drops of soap and 20 drops of bleach. There should be one hot water cup and one cold water cup left with just water in it

  6. Add the cut up stained shirts to each cup

  7. Swirl/ mix together each cup for about 30 seconds each

  8. Let each cup sit for 5 minutes

  9. After 5 minutes look inside each cup and see which cup removed the stain the best

  10. Take out the strips of the shirt from each cup and throw them away

  11. Drain the water out of every cup into the sink

  12. Clean up and wash down your table

  13. Calculate the cost for each batch using the prices in the parentheses next to the variables

Data Table:

|                                               |Cold Water...