
1. Following the directions, a student in a chemistry lab reacts zinc sulfide with hydrochloric acid in a beaker. The student then sniffs the fumes coming from the reaction and notices the odor of rotten eggs. What did this student do wrong?-The student should not have sniffed the fumes without his teacher’s permission.
  2. The teacher instructs students to measure 1 gram of a powdered substance to use in a chemistry experiment, but a student takes 1.5 grams. The student reasons taking a little extra would be a good if the experiment needs to be repeated. What is wrong with this student’s decision?-The amount will not be enough if she has to run the experiment twice.
  3. A student wants to do a science project on the local weather. Which of the following hypotheses is the best one to test?-Evaporation and precipitation are the main forces that drive the water cycle.
  4. A student measures the length, width, and height of a box to calculate the box’s volume. In what unit should the student report the results?-Centimeters
  5. A scientist breeds a strain of mice that produce too little insulin. The scientist then used these mice to research a gene therapy technique that might help people with diabetes. The mice are?-of limited value because the lifespan of mice is too short.
  6. Which of the following can overturn an established scientific theory?-Prominent scientists abandon it in favor of an idea they like better.
  7. Which of the following is a valid observation supported by the date?-The peak year for sunspots in the twentieth century was 1957
  8. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the data?-The number of sunspots will never rise higher than 200 in one year.
  9. An advertisement for diet pills shows “before” and “after” pictures of people who took the pills and lost weight. Can you assume that you will get the same results if you buy and take the pills?-No, because the results shown in the pictures may not be true for...