King Kit Essay

English Unit 3 Oral Sac: Week 3
  * Students present an 8 minute oral presentation that argues a sustained and reasoned point of view on a selected issue.
  * Students must be ready to present their sac when called by their teacher or receive a zero mark as well as an ‘N’ result.
  * Students who read their presentation will earn no higher than a score of 12.
This outcome will contribute 20 marks out of the 100 marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3.
Performance descriptors
  * The following descriptors provide a guide to the standards expected for the Oral presentation. They describe the knowledge and skills typically demonstrated by students who have achieved scores within each range on the assessment tasks.

Task 2 |
MARK RANGE | DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range |
17–20 marks | Presentation, of complex ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical argument. In an oral response, the skillful use of highly appropriate oral language conventions to engage an audience. Highly expressive, coherent and fluent expression. Accurate and detailed acknowledgment of sources where appropriate. |
13–16 marks | A sustained, coherent and logical argument. In an oral response, an ability to use appropriate oral language conventions to engage an audience. Expressive, coherent and fluent expression. Acknowledgment of sources where appropriate. |
9–12 marks | An argument which is generally sustained and coherent. In an oral response, an ability to use some appropriate oral language conventions to engage an audience. Generally expressive, coherent and fluent expression. Acknowledgment of some sources where appropriate. |
5–8 marks | A superficial argument. In an oral response, variable ability to use oral language conventions to engage an audience. Clear expression of ideas. Limited acknowledgment of sources. |
1–4 marks | Little sense of argument. In an oral response, limited use of oral language conventions to engage an...