Key to a Fortune

“Right Mum, I’ll see you later!” Rose yelled impatiently. Not hanging around for a reply, she swiftly headed out the door, breaking into a run at the first glimpse of that glorious golden sand. The blue, foamy waves were shining as they crashed and collided with the cold, angry rocks, wrestling for their territory. The roaring of the waves was music to her ears. The morning sun shone, so the soft sand seemed to sparkle. Rose loved the feeling of it between her toes as she strolled along the beach, occasionally feeling an icy tingle on her feet as the tide rolled in.

Nestled between the jagged rocks and caves was Rose’s favourite spot. The lagoon was well hidden beneath the overflow of green. The sun crept in through the trees giving it a suffused glow, and Rose found herself wondering why she was the only one who had came across this little slice of heaven, knowing it was unusual for the normally gloomy Scotland. There was a blissful silence, only interrupted by the slight trickling provided by a waterfall, of the type only seen in movies. Rose lay down, basking in that warm feeling of contentment and serenity, when a frown appeared upon her face…

Rose had realised she couldn’t feel the delicate depth of the sand. It was hard. And solid. Rose’s brow creased and lines developed on her forehead. Perplexed, she began to brush away the sand, a rigid, leather-bound object emerging. Pulling it out, Rose realised it was a briefcase. A locked briefcase. She fumbled around with the lock, trying to prise it open, quickly realising she had no hope. Looking around, Rose knew finding a tiny key was bordering on the impossible. It would be her last resort. With no key in sight, Rose debated what to do. Not thinking about the consequences, Rose grabbed the briefcase and trudged back to her house, allowing her mind to wonder what could actually be in the briefcase…

Money and treasure immediately popped into Rose’s head. She thought of all the wonderful things she could do...