Key Features of Ivc

Explain key features of the Indus Valley Civilization (21 marks)
The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) existed approximately between 2500 to 1500 BCE, the Vedic Bronze Age period. It existed in the North Western part of the Indian Subcontinent, stretched across around 1200 cities, the most common are Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, Harappa was the first site to be excavated. When it was excavated in the 1920’s by Sir Mortimer Wheeler, it brought light to a sophisticated urban culture and many of the key features found proved this.
When the sites were first excavated, it was clear that the IVC was an organised culture focused around towns and cities. The towns were clearly very intelligently planned by intellectual people at this time. Archaeologists can see that the Houses were built next to each other with very distinct detail. The main roads built led to the main city which had alleys and smaller streets coming off them and it also believed to possibly of had private neighbourhoods. For this period in time, the amount of planning and detailed organisation gone in to these towns shows the intelligence and importance of detail of the people who lived there at the time. The size of the houses and that they were extremely contemporary for this period, displays a fair amount of wealth and some of the artefacts excavated also prove this for example, the figurines displayed women with large headpieces, detailed jewellery and well-presented which not only proves they enjoyed looking after themselves, but they also were fairly wealthy.
What was inside the houses in the IVC, also inform us of a lot. For example, the houses were often built on brick platforms on a slope to protect them from floods. The high walls of the houses may also inform us of how they could have dissuaded military conflicts. This not only explains that houses were well thought out when planned but details about the river which was also a key part of their lives. Many of the houses were two-storied which...