
Argument Essay

That, in a nutshell, is Thomas Friedman's picture of globalization. In many ways, it expresses conventional wisdom. Globalization, he says, stands for "the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states and technologies to a degree never witnessed before--in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around the world faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before" (7). It is made possible, of course, by its "defining technologies," the Internet above all. Its driving idea, he adds, is free-market capitalism, which now has no serious rival. And globalization has all kinds of nice consequences. For example, it aids democracy because in a world of fast connections and open markets, governments must become open and responsive as well. It also gives more people more financial, technological, and symbolic power. It does not serve everyone the same way: unprepared turtles that cannot keep up and olive tree huggers disturbed by change engage in a backlash. But it will not change course: globalization is "almost" as inevitable as the dawn.
    Over the 238 year history of the United State, the American people have been hit with many socio-economic events that should have destabilized our nation.   Although, the country went through trying times, the country as a whole would pull through these events, for the most part stronger than before.   The main reason for this is the general resiliency of the American people.   We have gone through times of war, specifically on our own soil, such as; the British invading our continent in 1812, the American Civil War, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attack on United States soil on 9/11.   Through these times, the American people pulled together as a country and were able to thwart the aggressor.   The unique time during the Civil War, which saw brother against brother in some instances, brought a reconstruction that made the...