K101 Tma 01


It is import for the individuals receiving care and the carers to be recognised as such for many reasons.   In no particular order of priority these include financial support, practical help, emotional support and from a training perspective to be given access to the necessary training to enable the carer to carry their duties safely.   Being recognised as carer should ensure that the local authority provide the carer with information regarding any help and support the carer may be entitled to.   A recognised carer is also entitled to employment rights i.e. the carers employer is obliged to take into account the carers responsibilities as a carer. The local authority is able to budget and plan for services required by carers and the person they are caring for and organisations who campaign for the rights of carers require figures to enable them to ascertain the number of people they represent.   It is important for the government to have guidelines to assess who is and who is not a carer as with any system the benefits and resources available should be channelled at those who need it the most. For the purpose of this exercise I am using the case of Ann and Angus who we read about in Unit 1.

In the case of Ann, she was solely responsible for the care of Angus while Bob was at work and Zoe at school.   Bob helped occasionally with the more physical aspects of caring for Angus. Using the heading Duration and Frequency – Ann helped Angus with getting in and out bed, toileting/washing/bathing, dressing him.   She helps him up and down the stairs, cooks his meals, does all his washing/ironing, makes sure he takes his medication on a regular if not daily basis. More broadly speaking, keeps him company as he does not socialise or participate in any hobbies.   However, Ann has stated that some weeks are less demanding than others depending on Angus’s illness and feels that as a mother and wife, the household tasks i.e...