“John Montague Expresses His Themes in a Clear and Precise Fashion” (Poetry Talk)

“John Montague expresses his themes in a clear and precise fashion”
You have been asked by your local radio station to give a talk on the poetry of John Montague. Write out the text of the talk you would deliver in response to the above title. You should refer to both style and subject matter. Support the points you make by reference to the poetry on your course.
Good evening listeners and welcome to our Friday night poetry segment, Poetry Aloud. Tonight we will explore the works of the famous northern Irish poet, John Montague. As anyone familiar with his work would know, Montague expresses his themes in a clear and precise fashion and that very notion is what we will be proving tonight. Montague’s poems include the themes of childhood, memory and nature as well as rural Ireland and hardship and suffering.
We will begin with one of Montagues most frequently used themes: childhood and memory. These two themes are the most prominent in Montague's poetry and are expressed precisely through his accounts of his childhood and the memories that remained with him throughout his entire life. After his difficult early years in Brooklyn, New York, where poverty was rampant, Montague returned to Ireland. He was assumedly shell shocked by this drastic change in scenery, from the bustling New York streets to the Irish countryside. Many of these early experiences made a massive impact on Montague’s poetry and are expressed clearly through his poetry’s themes. For example, in ‘Killing the pig’ Montague explores a fairly traumatic childhood memory of a pig being slaughtered in front of him. In the poem, young Montague is disturbed by the pig’s screams as it fights for life. He goes on to describe with surgical precision the process through which the pig is killed and dismembered by the farmer using clinical language, devoid of emotion to further highlight the animalistic nature of murder. The theme of childhood is expressed clearly in the final stanza when 'a child is given the...