Jews and Communism

Jews and Communism
                                              By “Lonesome” David Reed

In the sixth century after Christ a Khazarist king named Bulaban ordered all of his people to become Jewish. These people were called “Ashkenazim”, distinguishing themselves from the real Semitic Jews known as “Sephardim”. According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Published by Jews, it is descendants of the Khazarian converts that make up the bulk of what we today refer to as the general Jewish population, and therefore are not descendants of the Hebrew people of Palestine, and thus of Christ’s people. However, the history of these people shows that in every nation these “chosen people”, these teachers of tolerance, ever sank their teeth into, the inevitable blood filled the streets. The first documents anti-Jewish riot was in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 38 AD and reoccurring again in 66 AD. In 115-117 AD the Jews were attacked and formally expelled in 414 AD. Since then the Jews have been attacked and expelled from every nation that they’ve ever settled in. After years of anti-Jewish literature, speeches and debates Jews were formally expelled from the Roman Empire by emperor Tiberius in 19 AD and again in 49 AD. In 116 AD Emperor Trajan ordered all Jews in Mesopotamia to be executed for being the cause of continual uprisings and agitation in that region. This same kind of behavior got the Jew expelled from Spain (for collaborating with the invading Moors), Portugal, Austria, Italy, England, France, Germany, Poland and Russia. However, the Jews have always managed to return after time and to continue on with the same behavior that was so intolerable to white societies. In modern times, not much has changed except that the Jews have learned to control popular opinion by media manipulation. Our youth are taught to unquestionably pity, love and fear these “chosen” people without ever being shown how the Jews are widely responsible for a lot of the misery they...