Jesus & Muhammad

The prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ of Nazareth lived around 600 years apart from each other, yet their lives the teachings and principals they held, and even there deaths has affected millions if not billions of people through out the ages and their legacy continues to live on to this day. There influence has been so great that it has conflict between their followers and these conflicts can been in many of the world’s political discussions today. This conflict being the result of several difference in the teachings of these two men.
      Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca in 570 BC, at this point Mecca was already a very important city considering it was the location of the Ka’bah and was also a large trade center. Members of the surrounding tribes were already making annual pilgrimages to the city. Muhammad was born in to the tribe of Quraysh, he became an orphan at a very young age and was raised by his relatives. As he did not have the sufficient funds to become a trader in the market, he found employment with a wealthy widow whom he then married. (Phipps, 1996). Muhammad became a successful trader and merchant and still managed to spend one month each year meditating and reflecting in a cave outside of Mecca. It was during these periods of reflection in the year 610 BC that he began to have several religious experiences and began to view himself as a messenger for Allah. At first he would only tell close friends and family of his experiences, as the messages he was receiving were controversial and would not have been accepted by the public (Smart, 1998). After a period of three years he decide to go public with his messages sent to him by Allah. His first message attacked the ideas and principals of polytheism. He stated that in the end, everyone would be judged by God, no matter how much money they left at the multitude of shrines around the holy city.   Later, he gave revelations that shaped legal aspects of the society including marriage....