Jesus and Mohammad

Jesus and Mohammad

Jesus Christ vs. Mohammad
Thousands of years ago the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary to tell her that she would care God’s only begotten son, we know him as Jesus Christ. As the story goes Jesus was born without a biological father under very humble circumstances, in a manger in Bethlehem. Many prophets had spoken of signs that would come when Jesus was born. These signs caused many to travel to see the baby Jesus, to bring him gifts. Many know that the three wise men travels a long distances to bring the baby Jesus gifts. This was the beginning of a life that would atone for all mankind, the Lamb of God that through his blood all would be saved. He grew up in very meek and humbling circumstances.
His earthly father Joseph had a huge involvement in his growth into the man that he became. Those that believed in Christ’s words and followed him adored and praised everything that he did, as he emphasized that His teaching were from his Father’s (God’s) words. His words and examples motivated and inspired his disciples to live and teach his doctrine, which was then written and became what we know today as the New Testament. The New Testament that we use today has the five Gospels which contains the history and teachings of Christ. While on this earth Christ performed many miraculous miracles that changed the life of many. He held the sick, gave sight to those that couldn’t see, he rose the dead and may others.
For many these miracles strengthened their belief of his words, for many non-believers these events helped them believe. Jesus lived a completely selfless life, one of service and love. From the teachings that we have there is no indication that Christ had his own family. Jesus lived his life by examples he never did anything against what he taught or asked anyone to live a life different than how he lived. Jesus taught many things but he always lived what he taught. Christ came to this earth to teach and organize the true...