Jasper Jones Identity

Our sense of identity depends on social interaction within family and community members. Throughout childhood and adolescence, we observe our parents and peers morals and ideologies, and use this to construct identity. A sense of identity can be created, supported or broken by relationships. When our cultural identity is marginalised, we can feel dislocated and displaced. The novel ‘Jasper Jones’ written by Craig Silvey can show how through others we become ourselves with protagonist Charlie Bucktin through his interactions with society and individuals. Similarly, we can also show how through others we can become ourselves with ‘Daddy’ a vitriolic poem written by Sylvia Plath.

Our sense of identity depends on our social interaction. This can be shown in page 8 in the novel with Charlie talking about Jasper Jones. ‘He must have presumed me to be genuine and fair. Like Atticus Finch. Dignified and reasonable and wise. Or the closest thing to it in this town.” This quote shows intertextuality with To Kill A Mockingbird. The intertextuality between Charlie and Atticus foreshadows the struggles ahead. As Atticus was faced with a lot of hardship to uphold his values and as will Charlie. Charlie is also confronted with the same situation as Atticus and made the same choice as him, highlighting similarities between the two. With Charlie’s identity linking with that of Atticus being reasonable and wise, and with this link shapes his own identity shown in the way he acted around Jasper when he was asked to give possible suspects. With the use of intertextuality with TKAM can prove that through others we become ourselves.

Our sense of identity can be influenced with altercations within the community. This can be shown in page 56 ‘See its these lies that precede him, these foggy community fibs’. This quote uses metaphoric language with the use of the word ‘foggy’. This quote demonstrates that the community has a bad reputation of lying, racism and being dishonest in...